
toki pona resources

A yellow circle with a blue border and blue 'smiling' semicircle inside. Above the yellow circle are three blue strokes perpendicular to the edge of the yellow circle.

Official toki pona website

The original toki pona website, with links to many other resources.
Six bright yellow hexagons arranged around a darker yellow one with a white background.

All learning resources

Resources recommended by the 'kama sona' Discord server to aid with learning.
The text 'toki pona' is in blue at the top left. Below it reads 'dictionary' in yellow. To the right of it all is a shirt with the toki pona logo on it.

Toki Pona Dictionary

An official dictionary containing two-way English to toki pona translations.

toki pona

The toki pona words 'lape', 'laso', 'lawa', 'leko', and 'len' next to their definitions.

Cheat sheet

A printable cheat sheet labeling every toki pona word with its corresponding definition.
A yellow square with a blue square in its top right. Both have black borders.

lipu tenpo: a newsletter

A newsletter about all kinds of things written in pure toki pona.
A yellow square with a blue square in its top right. Both have black borders.

jan Pepa en soweli Kawa

A multilingual comic about the adventures of Pepper and Carrot.

sitelen pona (iconographic script)

The sitelen pona glyphs for len, lete, moli, and monsi.

Cheat sheet

A printable cheat sheet labeling every sitelen pona glyph with its corresponding word.

Introductory video series @ musi lili

A series introducing sitelen pona in 13 short videos.

sitelen sitelen (hieroglyphic script)


Cheat sheet

A printable cheat sheet labeling every sitelen sitelen glyph with its corresponding word.
tenpo pimeja la seli suno li weka. mun laso li kama lon. anpa kasi jelo la soweli pimeja li alasa e pipi loje. waso walo li lon kasi suli. oko jelo ona li lukin e waso lili. waso lili li kule ma. oko ona li pini. waso lili o lape pona.

Jonathan Gabel's articles

A website by the creator of sitelen sitelen with

  • 16 short articles introducing sitelen sitelen,
  • examples of sentences and paragraphs, and
  • links to other resources.
mi toki e toki pona kepeken uta mi.

Live renderer

A live renderer that converts toki pona text into sitelen sitelen.
The front cover of nasin nasa.

Nasin Nasa, a comic @ Nasin Nasa

"A weird comic about weird creatures acting weird in a weird place. Also the first comic series ever fully in hieroglyphic toki pona."
mi toki e toki pona kepeken uta mi.

A business contract

A contract written in sitelen sitelen.

The sitelen pona font used is sitelen seli kiwen.

lipu Linku provides the data of this website.

Compiled by Zachary Sakowitz. Not copyrighted or licensed.